About Us
Omega Plus Home HealthCare is a Colorado-licensed and fully-certified provider of home-based solutions involving health care services and home care support. We are committed to the delivery of hands-on care that will improve the health and quality of life of clients who are home bound will health issues, injury or old age. We make difficult situations easier to cope with through nursing care, therapy services and personalized caregiving.
It is in the compassion of our staff that will make things easier for you or a family member. Anyone can be trained to provide therapy or to monitor a patient’s health – but compassion is not something that can be taught. Our staff is chosen for their willingness to roll up their sleeves and give a hand to someone who needs help.
Omega Plus Home HealthCare will assist the elderly and the disabled right in their own homes. Through home care, clients are no longer compelled the confinement in a nursing home or institutional care – instead, they have better control over the care they get. Staying at home is more possible now than ever. If you want mom or dad to remain at home, call 303-366-1759 today, and we will arrange for home health care that befits your preferences.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Omega Plus Home HealthCare provides equal career opportunities for employees and services for clients. In observation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the company protects employees and clients from unlawful discrimination against race, gender, disability, color, national origin, age, religion, sexual orientation, economic status or social status.